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Our world is home to a sheer endless number of different cultures with a vastly different understanding of moral values and aesthetics. |
I often
come across cliché phrases like: "That event united people from all over
the world by their love for music/books/whatever." This is a nice image.
The world united by art. But is it really possible?
remember that we are all limited in our perception which is shaped by our
surroundings. These surroundings also determine how we react to different
pieces of art and they influence our own artworks. Let's ponder on this.
Relevance of Background
Art is
often used for political statements. And just as often it merely reflects
what people think. A few years ago I've read a novel about the everyday
life of German teenagers in the 90's. It was an interesting read for the sake
of studying German culture and I got an idea of what teenage life was like back
then (very pampered and silly compared to that of Russian teens of that time),
but there was one particular line that struck me: There was a moment in an
inner monologue when the protagonist mentioned something like even Russians
having Bubble Gum and Coca Cola nowadays. I was well aware that it was only
natural for a West German teenager to believe that, but having experienced
part of Russia's 90's myself, I actually felt like strangulating someone.
Because no, back then we did not have Bubble Gum and Coca Cola, all we
had was spaghetti and vegetables from my grandparents' garden, sometimes we
even had nothing to eat but potatoes every day, and the ones who did have
Bubble Gum and Coca Cola (or rather: people who could afford wasting their
money on them) were the nouveau riche ******** who stopped at nothing for the
sake of making money. (Even the Italian mafia was shocked about the
unscrupulousness of their Russian "colleagues" who had taken over
once the Soviet Union went down like the Titanic with 293,047,571 people on
board drowning in despair.)
So this was
an example for how a piece of art can unintentionally wake antagonistic
feelings in a reader with a different background. A reader with a purely
West German background probably wouldn't have stumbled over that sentence.
Luckily, I've spent most of my life in Germany and was already well aware of
the German overall ignorance towards Russia and them seeing the fall of the
Soviet Union as a good thing in every respect.
Similarities and Differences of Backgrounds
the historical context can also connect people from different cultures.
Everyone in my family, obviously, was born and has grown up in the Soviet Union
and in the 90's the Soviet culture wasn't entirely gone yet, so I not only grew
up among Soviet people but have experienced some part of the Soviet Union
myself. Now there is Sonnenallee (Sun Alley), a nostalgic movie
by Leander Haußmann about the youth of East Berlin. Both my parents and I
immediately could relate, almost as if we had lived in the GDR ourselves.
In fact, despite some differences (for example, East Germany being more
tyrannical than the Soviet Union or the possibility to watch West German TV in
East Berlin) both countries shared the same ideology, the same social,
economical and political system, the same paradoxes and some similar cultural
phenomena. So for us Soviet-born people there is much room for understanding
and empathy. People from West Germany can't relate in the same way, even
though it's a German movie made for a German audience.
historical, political and social context also affects what people are
interested in. For
example, the mafia wars in the already mentioned "Russia's Wild 90's"
caused movies and TV shows about mafia to rise in popularity. The
Godfather film series had great success in the young Russian Federation.
In the early 2000's when Russia began to recover from the crisis there was a
boom of masterpieces depicting the crisis and the mafia wars of the 90's
like Bumer (Bimmer) by Peter Buslov and Brigada (The
Brigade a.k.a. Law of the Lawless) by Aleksei Sidorov.
What I'm
trying to show is that what we're interested in, what we like and what we
understand highly depends on our own background. Even if we like the same art
genre or even the same artwork we still like it for different reasons and see
it through different prisms.
"Universal" Masterpieces
Now there
are some voices who say that there are universal masterpieces, works of world
literature that are relevant for everyone and always. Well, this is not
entirely true. "Universal" masterpieces can be enjoyed by so many
different people because there is so much content and meaning in them that
everyone can find something relevant for himself in it. But it doesn't mean we
read those masterpieces in the same way.
Tolstoy wrote his famous War and Peace in the 1860's he was interested
not so much in the Napoleonic Wars he was writing about, but rather in Russia's
society and culture of his own time. The novel was originally planned to be about a
Decembrist returning from his exile in Siberia in the 1860's and rejoining the
now changed society. When Tolstoy started to dig deeper for the reasons
why the Decembrist had become who he was and why society had become what it was
he realized he had to make his story start in 1805. In fact, War and
Peace was supposed to be continued until the 1860's, which, obviously,
didn't happen, but a Russian reader who has learned about the Decembrist
uprising in school can find its foreshadowing in Tolstoy's novel. This
foreshadowing was probably even more visible to the contemporary readers,
as the Napoleonic Wars and the Decembrist uprising weren't so far in the past
then and there were still living witnesses. The novel is also very much
about the rise of the Russian national identity which was subject of a huge
social and political debate throughout the 19th century and, in a way, still
So here are
two examples of core elements of the novel that are just not that
relevant for non-Russian readers. Even though people from all over the
world can still relate to the characters it doesn't change the fact that the
novel was written for 19th century Russians and that every nation and
generation reads the novel differently.
There is
also the hurdle of language. For one, we have the phenomenon of the connotative
meaning because of which people from different parts of the world
imagine and feel different things when hearing the same word. If you ask
me, there isn't such a thing as a 100% literal translation. Even for
such simple words as "house". Both the English and German words
(which are closely related) don't only mean a building but also can refer to a
noble family (or family-like structures like the houses of Hogwarts in the Harry
Potter series). In Russian, the latter meaning is missing (which is why the
Hogwarts houses are translated as faculties). On the other hand, the Russian
word "dom" means both "house" and "home" while
English and German have different words for them. This is why personally I
perceive the Russian word as a bit "warmer", as it implies a
spiritual connection between a building and the people living in it (which goes
along well with the belief in the domovoi, a demon from the Slavic mythology
who is basically the soul of a house, protecting the family living there as
long as he's treated nicely). And despite all the similarities English and
German are different as well.
while "dom" and "house" still refer more or less to the
same thing every language also has words that are just untranslatable.
Many languages, for example, have not only singular and plural but also the
dual. In other words: There are languages out there that make it possible to
say "the two of us" with only one word. Now imagine what it means for
love poetry and the translation of it: a disaster.
Cultural Differences
Let's also
add cultural quirks to it. Some time ago I was translating an argument
between a couple from Russian into German. Apart from some specifically Russian
words and expressions that can't be translated at all (and need specifically
German replacements) there was a problem with the argument itself. It evolved
in a way it wouldn't have evolved between a German couple. In general,
Germans and Russians argue differently, so while that argument is very
authentic for a Russian audience a German audience just wouldn't feel the same
level of authenticity. You would have to write an entirely new dialogue and
plot for that story to be the same for Germans as it is for Russians.
It happens
always and everywhere. For example, we Germans notice that a Hollywood movie
takes place somewhere far, far away on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean
when the characters walk around their house with their shoes on - an
absolute no-go in most German households.
Now this
was a rather harmless example. Shoes usually aren't crucial to a story. When
it comes to moral values, however, enjoying an artwork simply becomes
difficult. For example, many years ago I abandoned reading Homer's Ilias
simply because the moral values of the ancient Greeks felt so alien to me. Sometimes
I also have difficulties with feeling empathy for 19th century heroines who
have grown up in another society and have a different understanding of what is
good and what is bad. With my mind I do understand that Tess from Tess of
the d'Urbervilles was cornered, that her options were different from my
options in today's world, but with my heart I still can't stop thinking that
Tess wasn't as much a victim of her beauty and the social norms of society but
rather of her own naivety und stupidity. (Because staying in love with such
an arrogant hypocrite like Angel is stupid.)
consequence of it? You can still enjoy art from another culture, relate to
the characters and dive into their world, but there is no way around noticing
weird-feeling differences and sometimes maybe not even understanding why the
characters behave the way they do. If you're not the target audience, there
will always be things you don't completely understand.
Art and Ethnocentrism
world is home to a sheer endless number of different cultures with a vastly
different understanding of moral values and aesthetics. And the only things all people of
the world have in common are the needs to eat, to sleep and maybe to find a
mate - the basic needs of every living being, actually. Everything
else is variable. There are indigenous ethnicities out there who are pretty
comfortable not wearing any clothes, in many countries democracy isn't
considered an ideal and in many cultures individual rights aren't considered as
important as in "Western" societies. And the most important thing is:
Human rights, democracy and individual rights don't make our
"Western" culture any better than any other. Believing anything
else is what is called ethnocentrism: perceiving the world exclusively
through the prism of one's own culture and sincerely believing that one's own
values are the only right ones. So forcing democracy on other cultures is
basically an act of disrespect and some kind of belief to have a superior
culture (as viewing oneself as a superior race is very unpopular nowadays). There
is no such thing as superior values. There are no values all people from all
continents and all centuries could agree on. Simply because values aren't
natural. All nature actually cares for is the survival of the species. Not how
it survives.
As for
art, it always has a target audience and it usually has the same cultural
background as the artist. People tend to build their art around what they know. They participate
in discourses relevant for their own time and society, they strengthen or try
to weaken ideologies, and they present their understanding of right and wrong. Art
is a form of discussion. And since every discussion has a context, all the
"wise" things great artists say should always be seen in the light of
their own era and culture. Not doing so can lead to misunderstandings.
So can
art unite the world? I think not. The world is too big and has too many colours and shades - and maybe
this is why it shouldn't even be united. A united world wouldn't
be as diverse and rich as it is now. We are not meant to fully understand
each other. Let's be honest: Living in a Utopia would cause everyone to die
from boredom. Art is shining and interesting because we're all
different. Being different allows us to learn from each other and to
constantly discover something new. If humanity could fully agree on just one
thing - it would immediately lose an important colour, an individual voice, a
whole little world to explore.
What art
can do, however, and actually does is helping us to understand
each other better.
Art is always about expressing something and thus is a form of communication.
By trying to understand an artwork we basically try to understand an aspect
of the world.
communicating about art leads to better understanding. While I condemn the foreign policy of the US communicating
with creative Americans keeps me save from anti-Americanism. Almost every
day I see or read something that makes me smile and is made or written by an
American. So art allows us to reach out to each other on a more emotional
and personal level.
isn't a common language and it isn't magic. It can't unite the world and I
don't think it should. But what art does is connecting people. And it does it
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